Respite Care

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Respite Care

Respite Care provides supportive care and supervision for the individual under the age of 21 who live in the family home, when the primary caregiver is unable to care for the recipient due to a planned temporary absence, an emergency or when the primary caregiver is available, but unable to care for the recipient temporarily.

Services will be documented and include the date and time of service, the location where services are given, choices made by the recipient, and steps taken towards goal achievement. The service can be provided up to 40 quarters of an hour a day or per day if the recipient will receive more than 10 hours per day of service. Services include supportive care for the recipient and supervision.

To ensure the quality of services, meetings with the recipient will be scheduled at least yearly to assess progress and make the necessary changes to the delivery of services. An annual satisfaction survey will be completed by the recipient and reviewed by the agency to ensure the satisfaction of the recipient and address areas that may need improvement.

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